Teen Neuropsychological Testing

Neuropsych testing & diagnostic services for adolescents
group of young friends talking
two young women walking down the sidewalk

Mental Health Testing for Teens in San Diego

What to Expect

What is a neuropsych evaluation for an adolescent?
Mental health testing for adolescent-related issues address many of the questions that have gone unanswered, and is the first step in proper treatment planning and improving both you and your teen’s quality of life, happiness, and overall well-being.
What does it measure?

Neuropsych evaluations measure a variety of behavioral, social, and cognitive abilities, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Mood, emotion, behavior & personality
  • Intelligence, attention, memory & concentration
  • Problem solving & reasoning
  • Planning & organization
  • Language & speech
  • Visual-perceptual & sensory-perceptual abilities
  • Spatial & motor abilities
What is included in the testing services?

The type of assessments administered vary from one child to the next, but the process will always include:

  • Pre-testing written questionnaire for guardian(s)
  • In-person interview with the child and guardian(s)
  • Verbal, digital, or written assessment(s)
  • Interpretation and analysis of test results
  • Robust written report including results and diagnoses
  • Verbal explanation of results
  • Suggested next steps and treatment planning
How long does it take?

The testing portion varies depending on the assessments being administered, but on average range from 3 to 5 hours. The analysis, interpretation of results, report compilation, and any additional documentation will be completed in approximately one week.

Is neuropsychological testing covered by insurance?
Neuropsychological evaluations for teens are often covered by insurance but it depends on your coverage and carrier. Reach out to our team of insurance specialists at KMN to learn if testing would be covered for you. We also accept non-insurance clients.

Common Needs for Teen Psychological Testing

young man looking uncomfortable

Depression Assessment

person eating a meal

Eating Disorder Assessment

young man working on a laptop computer

Learning Disability

Collection of assorted prescription pills

Substance Abuse Assessment

young woman sitting on the floor looking unwell

Anxiety Evaluation

Verify Insurance

As part of the screening process, we help clients verify their insurance provider can provide financial assistance. We also accept non-insured clients. Let us walk you through the process so you can get tested as soon as possible.


Schedule an Appointment

To learn more information about KMN Psych, verify your insurance coverage, or schedule an appointment for you or your loved one, complete the form below, and we will get back to you in 24 hours. We respect your privacy and hold all information discussed in strict confidence.

Or call us: (858) 224-2906
